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Electric motor IE4 315L1-2, 160 kW, 2 pol, B5

Information om produktet "Electric motor IE4 315L1-2, 160 kW, 2 pol, B5"

Electric motor, power=160 kW, speed=3000 rpm, design=B5

Shaft=65 x 140 mm, voltage=3 x 400/690 V-50 Hz, 3 x 460/795 V-60 Hz (± 5% according to VDE 0530), frequency=50/60 Hertz.

Efficiency class=IE4, efficiency=96.3%, paint finish=RAL 5010 (gentian blue), protection class=IP55, temperature sensor=3 x PTC thermistors,

Weight=1075.0 kg, operating mode=S1- 100% ED, terminal box position=top, housing=grey cast iron, insulation class=F (155°C), with relubrication device,

Ball bearing=SKF or equivalent, fixed bearing on A-side, cooling=axial fan (plastic), motor feet=permanently encapsulated (if available).

The motor bearing is designed for clutch operation. For belt drive we recommend reinforced cylindrical roller bearings

The electric motor is for the Frequency inverter - Use and suitable for both directions of rotation.

According to VDE 0105 and IEC 364, all work on the electric drive must only be carried out by qualified

For modifications or special designs, please send an inquiry.

All product photos are non-binding examples! Technical changes reserved.

Ambient temperature: 40 °C
Direction of rotation: Left, Right
Efficiency Class: IE 4
Engine protection: PTC thermistor 3-fold
Frequency: 50 Hz, 60 Hz
Installation altitude: 1000 m
Kühlungsart: IC 411
Operating mode: S1
Performance: 160 kW
Protection class: IP55
Rotation speed: 3000 rpm / 2 polig
Series: new series
Shaft diameter: 65 mm
Shaft dimensions: 65 x 140 mm
Tension: 3 x 400/690 V
Type of construction: B5
Ejendomme "Electric motor IE4 315L1-2, 160 kW, 2 pol, B5"
Ambient temperature: 40 °C
Direction of rotation: Left, Right
Efficiency Class: IE 4
Engine protection: PTC thermistor 3-fold
Frequency: 50 Hz, 60 Hz
Installation altitude: 1000 m
Kühlungsart: IC 411
Operating mode: S1
Performance: 160 kW
Protection class: IP55
Rotation speed: 3000 rpm / 2 polig
Series: new series
Shaft diameter: 65 mm
Shaft dimensions: 65 x 140 mm
Tension: 3 x 400/690 V
Type of construction: B5


Termisk sensoråbner NAT 130°C 3-vejs op til BG315
PTO-termoføler - 3-vejs, normalt lukket kontakt til motorviklingen Normalt lukket kontakt, med isoleringshætte, automatisk nulstilling, Til motorer i størrelserne 160 til 315. Når den fabriksindstillede nominelle koblingstemperatur (NST)nås, springer en bimetalskive pludselig fra sin stabile startposition til en stabil slutposition og aktiverer koblingsmekanismen.Når temperaturen falder til under den fabriksindstillede nulstillingstemperatur (RST), springer koblingsmekanismen tilbage til sin stabile startposition på. Kun mod tillæg! Kan ikke bestilles enkeltvis.

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944,75 kr.*